4 reasons to start being a sustainable company
Sustainability must be included in any business. Developing environment-friendly habits in your daily business activity will attract more customers, engage your employees, and create a huge positive impact on the planet.
4 reasons to start being a sustainable company
Sustainability must be included in any business. Developing environment-friendly habits in your daily business activity will attract more customers, engage your employees, and create a huge positive impact on the planet.
20,000 Cha-chings Later: Talking Etsy Growth with Paisley Maizie.
Jamie Gillen is an Etsy seller who operates Paisley Maizie and Simply Paisleys, two shops with a combined 20,000 sales. Growing an Etsy shop doesn't happen overnight. We talked with her about how she started, mistakes she sees sellers making, and what she does during the quiet months.
The Mailfold Blog
Like any good company that thinks it has something valuable to say, we decided to start writing. This is our inaugural post. We hope to fill this space with thoughts on how to grow as a merchant and as a small business owner.
20,000 Cha-chings Later: Talking Etsy Growth with Paisley Maizie.
Jamie Gillen is an Etsy seller who operates Paisley Maizie and Simply Paisleys, two shops with a combined 20,000 sales. Growing an Etsy shop doesn't happen overnight. We talked with her about how she started, mistakes she sees sellers making, and what she does during the quiet months.